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Mindful Traveller, Personalities

“Eremito: A Sanctuary for the Soul” – In Conversation with Marcello Murzilli, the Visionary Behind a Unique Hotel in Umria

In the heart of Umbria, surrounded by the untouched nature of central Italy, stands the Eremito Hotel – a place that redefines peace and relaxation in a truly unique way. Marcello Murzilli, the creative mind behind this extraordinary hotel project, speaks with Lifestylehotels about his motivations, his philosophy, and why Eremito is a one-of-a-kind retreat for the modern traveler.

Lifestylehotels: Mr. Murzilli, you’ve created a truly unique place with Eremito. What inspired you to open a hotel like this?

Marcello Murzilli: My inspiration came from my own desire for a place where I could really disconnect from the hectic world. I spent many years working in the fashion industry, which is a very fast-paced and often stressful field. As I grew older, I started looking for a place where I could slow down and reconnect with nature. The concept of Eremito was born out of this personal search. It was meant to be a place where people could immerse themselves in a simpler and more peaceful way of life.

Lifestylehotels: Eremito is quite different from traditional hotels, especially with the absence of modern technology like TVs or Wi-Fi in the rooms. Why did you make this decision?

Marcello Murzilli: We live in a time where we are constantly connected, and it’s often hard to truly unplug. At Eremito, we offer an alternative to this modern lifestyle. Here, guests have the chance to disconnect from the distractions of technology and focus on what really matters – nature, themselves, and the simplicity of life. This conscious choice to forgo technology creates space for true relaxation and inner peace.

Lifestylehotels: How would you describe the guests who come to Eremito? Who are they, and what are they seeking?

Marcello Murzilli: Our guests are diverse, but they all share one thing: a longing for a place where they can recharge and find new energy. Many of our visitors lead very busy professional lives and are looking for a contrast to their stressful routines. Others come because they crave peace and nature. We often hear from guests that they feel like they’ve stepped back in time and reconnected with themselves. Eremito offers them that space.

Lifestylehotels: Eremito is not just a retreat; it’s also a place with a spiritual dimension. How does this aspect play into the overall experience of the hotel?

Marcello Murzilli: The spirituality at Eremito is subtle and not tied to any particular religion or practice. It’s more about creating a space where people can get to know themselves better. The daily routine is simple, meals are vegetarian, and the architecture of the building is reminiscent of old monasteries. It’s this combination that fosters an atmosphere of reflection and inner calm. Many guests tell us that they gain clarity about their lives after staying here.

Lifestylehotels: Are there any special rituals or experiences offered to the guests?

Marcello Murzilli: Yes, we offer daily meditations and silent walks in nature to help guests leave behind their hectic lives. But often, it’s the simple things that have the greatest impact – the shared silence during meals or watching the sunset over the Umbrian hills. The goal is to give guests space to slow down and connect with their surroundings and themselves.

Lifestylehotels: What does Eremito mean to you personally?

Marcello Murzilli: For me, Eremito is much more than just a hotel project. It’s a philosophy of life. In a world that moves ever faster, I wanted to create a place where people have the chance to slow down and rediscover the beauty of simplicity. It’s a place that gives me strength, and I’m grateful to be able to share that experience with our guests.

to the hotel


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