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Active & Wellness, Mindful Traveller

There’s nothing to miss at PURADIES

FOMO – are you familiar with this buzzword? It’s short for “fear of missing out”, a phenomenon that likes to strike in everyday life and sometimes even makes an appearance on holiday. With the constant anxiety of missing out on something, we end up missing where the journey should actually be taking us: far away from stress and to-do lists.

Luckily, however, there are places that ensure you don’t have to go without. The Puradies nature resort in Leogang is one such place. Here, it’s OK to not try every sauna or to skip breakfast because you’re so cosy tucked up in bed. And despite this, or perhaps because of it, you return home fulfilled. Why is that?


The Puradies is situated in the heart of nature, secluded, in the sunniest spot in Leogang. There are no cars beeping their horns here, no crowds and no neighbours. Without any background noise, you can focus much more clearly on what’s important – on yourself and the people you’re travelling with, and on experiencing the magic of the small things, like how it feels to run barefoot through the grass.


A jam-packed schedule, one that permanently tempts you and constantly has you making decisions – sounds pretty stressful. But you obviously don’t need to spend your time at the Puradies being bored, either. There’s enough to do if you want to do it. Be it yoga, the petting zoo, the library, a bike ride or a meditation session, a carefully curated programme ensures variety, of course, but mainly it guarantees tranquillity and relaxation.


At the Puradies, nature, agriculture, animals and people receive the attention they need. For three generations, the Madreiters have lovingly looked after their mountain farm and their guests. So you can confidently hit pause on social media for a couple of days, the Instagram photos can be uploaded later!


Whether in the historic farmhouse, the added suites or the chalets, the architecture here aligns with nature. The neutral colour palette, the natural materials and the green roofs ensure harmony, and that is passed on to guests. Farewell overstimulation!


You’ll find everything you need to spend a few relaxing days, but most of all to spend time with yourself in a protective space. A mini paradise, so to speak, that you’ll never want to leave.

Naturresort Puradies is a member of Lifestylehotels

to the hotel
Leogang, Austria


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